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Everyday Glimmerings of Genius Redefining Genius in Children, Our Communities, Our Profession and (Oh My!) Ourselves

by Holly Elissa Bruno
July/August 2023
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Don’t let anyone rob you of your imagination, your creativity, or your curiosity. It’s your place in the world; it’s your life. Go on and do all you can with it, and make it the life you want to live.
          —Mae Jemison, 1st Black woman astronaut in space

Help Me Understand Genius

I ask for help when pondering a substantive question. I ask Uber drivers, the person behind me in line, seated beside me on a cross-country flight, or a passing hiker whose friendly dog greets me on the trail. 

Listen to the usual flow in discussion when I invite folk to “Help me understand genius.”

Who’s a genius?
Albert Einstein. No question.

What is genius?
Off the charts IQ. Extraordinary skill. 

Wait, maybe Serena Williams or Simon Biles are geniuses. How about the guy who discovered penicillin?

Besides inventors, performers, including athletes and musicians, what other fields have people of genius?
Interesting question: maybe most professions have geniuses?

Who is a genius in early childhood?
Fred Rogers? Maria Montessori? My daughter’s preschool teacher helped her learn to share. That was genius, if you knew my daughter, you’d agree.

Do you personally know a genius?
My mother reminded us she was genius ...

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